lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016


It is a city of Usulután and one of the four heads of district department is located to the east of El Salvador to 112 km from the capital.
It has a historical legacy to the cultivation and exploitation of coffee, walks loving tourist can see the planting of grains and vegetables as well as coffee farms.

 How to get:
Walking 112 km from the capital take the Panamerican highway and turn to the height of 98 km (diverted from Berlin and Mercedes Umaña) or by the coast in which you must enter through the detour to the city of St. Augustine.


Located in the municipality of Joy Usulután
its crater contains joy lagoon surrounded by hot springs and fumaroles in this destination tourists can hike to see this beautiful place also known as "Emerald of America".
The route leads nurseries to discover over 150 home nurseries of ornamental plants, scattered in the city. Among other attractions with which the place, are the e House of Alberto Masferrer, the Hundred Steps (Cuesta Diablo) and geothermal power plant.
But the fun does not end there, because restaurants like "Cartagena", "My village" and "Café Esmeralda" offer a variety of dishes and live music to cheer every time.

  How to get:
Take the coastal road and reach the city of Usulután take the detour has Santiago de Maria, hence find the way to the City of Joy.


In the Bay of jiquilisco tourists you can go swimming, skiing, snorketing, bird watching, sailing, kayaking, sailing, fishing and windsurfing.
Located 104 km from San Salvador is an area of ​​mangroves and salty forests that shelter birds such as herons and gulls; You can also make a visit to the island Holy Spirit to observe the process of extracting coconut.


How to get:
Right through the coastal road leading to the east, you reach the diverted jiquilisco at km 101 turn right 4 km south of the detour is the Puerto El Triunfo.



It has about a thousand hectares of land located in the municipality of Jiquilisco has trees from 50 to 60 meters high, among the spider faunas like the beautiful butterfly Big Blue Monkey is.
It has water birth, monkeys observation booth, tour guides.

How to get:
CA-2 highway at kilometer 98 turn off for the city of Jiquilisco and continue on this road until the forest is approximately 7 km from the city.